What Could Possibly Be Worse?

I've been prompted lately to write about my most embarrassing moment from childhood. Well, there certainly are plenty to share. Take, for instance, my entire sixth grade year when I dressed like a total nerd and listened to The Monkees. Totally embarrassing to remember.

Oh, and then there was the time my sophomore year of high school that I passed out during swimming and had to be carried from the girls' locker room by a group of football players while wearing only my swimming suit. If I hadn't felt so sick, I would have died from the shame.

There are many stories like that, oh so many. But the story that takes the cake was the time I totally made of fool of myself during a high school dance.

Imagine a warm summer night lit only by the shimmering stars overhead; a large group of teenagers from three different high schools in a crowded parking lot; and the loud, thumping music provided by a DJ. Imagine dancing, laughing, talking and flirting going on all around you. Now put yourself in my shoes.

It was the beginning of my junior year. I had just turned sixteen and the dating possibilities seemed endless. My older sister provided proximity to so many older guys to choose from. That night at the dance I spied one, at least I thought I did. His name was Jim. I spotted him from across the parking lot where he danced with a group of unfamiliar girls. I figured they were meaningless drones from another school. I wanted to, had to get his attention. How better to do that than to give the guy a wedgie, right? Of course. So, naturally, I crossed the parking lot, walked up behind him, and placing my hands firmly on his shorts, gave his pants a great big Yank, yelling, "Wedgie fever!"

Imagine my mortification when a total stranger turned around to face me. A totally cute total stranger. A totally cute, total stranger who rightfully thought I was out of my mind.

"You're not Jim," I said, dumbly. "No, I'm not," he answered, his drone of girls looking on in contempt. I turned tail and ran back to my side of the parking lot faster than one could yell Wedgie Fever.

The moral of the story is: Never, ever try to get attention by assaulting someone's nether regions with an attack on their underwear. Not, I repeat, NOT a good idea.

Post edit: I forgot to give credit where credit is due. You can thank Emmy for this post. Click on over to her site to read more embarrassing stories.


Emmy said…
Lol! Of course I am going to come read your post. :)
This was a good one! I think I would have been twenty different shades of red.
Erin said…
That's awful! At least you said, "You're not Jim" so he didn't think you were a homicidal maniac or something :)
Wonder Woman said…

I would've died.

The fact that you thought giving his a WEDGIE to get his attention is embarrassing enough, but to have it be a totally cute stranger?!

I would've died.
Kristina P. said…
I love that giving a wedgie in thefirst place was your idea of a great idea. Hahaha.
Susan Anderson said…


Lourie said…
First of all, I have to say you are not nerdy for liking the Monkees. I must however, scold you for misspelling the name! Tsk. Tsk. As for your moment of glory(*cough*) That is way at the top of the charts! I would have died, but then I never would have been so daring. I did once snap the suspender's of a teacher I had a crush on tho! My name is Lourie, and I found your story through Emmy's blog. You can find mine there as well.
Kylee said…
I was way too embarrassed to post anything, so i give you kudos (even though i don't know you tee-hee!) for posting this INSANE story. :) Seriously made my day!
Kathy P said…
I just used to write a note and have the boy check yes or no -- but a wedgie works too...

Thanks for the laugh!
Wendyburd1 said…
Oh my goodness that is so horrible yet hilarious!!LOL
Jay Allen said…
If in High School you did that to me and I thought you were cool or good-looking, you would be immediately forgiven.
Missy said…
Found your story linked to Emmy's blog. Totally made me laugh! I can't imagine how embarrassing that must have been!
I'm just me... said…
This is some funny stuff!

I received my gift in the mail over the weekend, I love it! I posted about it over at my place.
R. K. Allen said…
Think that's bad? Try splitting out your pants on the evening news! I will not elaborate further...
Kate said…
How embarrassing. I can think of a few REAL embarrassing stories. Great post.
R Allen said…
I don't feel so bad about the elastic in my undies snapping when I was running to the school cafe.

Good one.
heather said…
Oh. Dang it. I did that kind of thing once, only a wedgie wasn't involved, I just jumped on his back and hugged him from behind. [blush] I was totally embarrassed, but he was pretty cool about it.
Jenna said…
Came over from Wonder Woman's glowing recommendation. Boy was she right on! I am laughing my head off! You poor thing!