Shame on PETA

Apparently, a certain activist group has claimed the right to dictate a cure for an affliction that said activist group has nothing to do with. The news tonight did a story on a PETA add campaign around the SLC area that says that drinking milk causes Autism. Now, I've heard the theory that the protein in milk can cause Autistic type behaviors in some children. That's fine. It's a theory. Parents should try everything they can to help their children when they have been diagnosed with anything. Changing the diet of a child is one of the easiest things a parent can do. We tried the "Autism diet", which calls for the elimination of casien and gluten from the diet, on Keelie for a month and saw absolutely no benefit. We've moved on.
The reason the adds upset me so much is that PETA is using children with Autism to scare people into following their cause--the cause of freeing animals from perceived wrongful treatment. Why? Why bring my child into their argument?The adds aren't intended to draw awareness for Autism or help the families affected by Autism. If PETA thinks that milking a cow is soooo wrong, tell people that. Don't pull my family, my child into it. Did they stop to think that using my beautiful daughter as a scare tactic to further their cause is perceived wrongful treatment in my eyes? My daughter is not a tool. She's not scary. She is a beautiful child full of love who brings so much joy to my family.
Instead of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, I think we need People for the Ethical Treatment of Autism. Shame on you PETA.


Candy McCall said…
Todd and I saw this newscast tonight also. We had a discussion about it, basically agreeing with everything you just said.
Way to go!
PETA just doesn't "get it"
love ya!
Go Fiauna!! We hope that you sent this to PETA and totally agree with you!! We also think that Keelie is a beautiful girl and is doing so good. As an outsider that does not see her everyday we see her making great strides!
Megan Smith said…
I hadn't heard of this (is it secluded to UT?) but from what I've seen down here you've got their type nailed--they put animals rights above those of people and don't see the problem w/doing that. Another (though different) example: We have a prop coming up in Nov., beloved by animal activists, to make it illegal to cage chickens. The price of eggs is expected to go up to 10$/dozen or more if it passes.
steve and lisa said…
Oh - must have originated out of the great state of Washington! There ae some true nutcase, tree huggers up here! Saw your cute pictures on Heather's blog! Miss you guys! We are excited to see everyone in a couple of weeks! We think Keelie is amazing & every time we see her we cannot believe how much she is growing & learning! You are an amazing mom! Love the Jones fam.
Fiauna said…
Thank you all for your support. Aaron and I both were so incensed when we saw these adds. Implying that the mystery of Autistic disorders would be so simply solved when so many desperate parents have tried this and haven't seen results is not only insulting, it is hurtful. To know that you all support us helps us get past ignorant comments like the ones made by PETA.