High-five coat

Okay, so the other day Aaron and I had the biggest laugh. Keelie's latest object of obsession is a ratty old torn up snow glove. She had me put it on her hand and she walked around saying, "High-five coat."

We would be just sitting at the table doing some ordinary thing like reading a blog and suddenly this ratty old glove would land in front of us and she would say again, "High-five coat." Standing at the sink doing the dishes, I would feel this pat on my bottom. Turning around I would see the torn up snow glove. "High-five coat."

We thought it was the funniest thing. So if you come to visit us sometime soon, don't forget your snow gloves so you can give Keelie a "high-five coat."


R. K. Allen said…
How funny. It's hard to believe how much she's grown, and how far she's come. She couldn't have been blessed with a better family!
Megan Smith said…
(Smiling) I wonder what she'de do if you had a box full of gloves, would she find the very same one or have fun with them all?
Fiauna said…
Oh, I'm pretty sure she'd find just the one. That's just the way she is, once she has her mind set on one thing, it's that one thing or nothing. ; 0
Byron said…
How Cute! So fun to read about her. She is really a special little girl. High 5 her for me. Byron
Candy McCall said…
Alright! I think we need to enjoy an afternoon together. What do ya say. I'll bring my glove.
enough of just passing one another in our cars! :0)
steve and lisa said…
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Love your cute story on your other blog!!
All your kids are so darn cute! Miss you guys!! Love Lisa