Wow, 2009. How did that happen? But boy am I sure glad that I didn't wake up on January first to realize we were starting 2008 all over again--Groundhog's Year??

Christmas break was anything but. On the Friday before Christmas, my last day of parental freedom, Keelie fell down the stairs, breaking her collar bone in two places. The poor girl was in so much pain she couldn't even stand up straight. 

That same day, Aiden was supposed to go to school on the morning kindergarten school schedule, coming home on a different bus and at a different time than what he is used to. If you will recall, a rather large snow storm hit that day. What happened was apparently mass chaos for the Davis County School District Transportation  Department. My little five-year-old didn't get home from school for a full hour after he was dismissed from class. He was in tears, but cheered up instantly as he told us that Santa Claus had come to his school in a helicopter!!

What followed over the next two weeks was a blur of decorating, cooking, cleaning, entertaining, cleaning some more, cooking some more, cleaning yet again, cooking again, policing the children, stopping fights, still cleaning, cooking yet another meal, undecorating...I could go on and on, but I won't.

It was all so fun, but now I'm ready for the kids to go back to school and my regularly scheduled cooking and cleaning to commence.

Looking back over the history of this blog I have witnessed an evolution. I began January of 2008 in sorrow, grieving my daughter's diagnosis and trying to cope. As I write this today, I am stronger, more grateful and have developed a mature sense of humor. I am glad I have had all of the experiences of the past year, the good and the hard. I feel like I have grown so much. But I am ready for a new year, new challenges and a new adventure.


Trent said…
That collar bone comment made me say "Ew, yuck" outloud! Then grab my collar ofcourse. I am glad she is okay. You have had a big year and you do an amazing job!
