From the Mouths of Babes

Aiden:  Mom, this is how our house should always be, quiet and full of nice people.

Mom smiles and nods as she stands at the sink doing the dishes. (Yes, I do sometimes break away from the computer long enough to attend to my house-hold chores.)

Paige:  Our house is always filled with nice people.

Aiden:  Yeah, but sometimes the nice people in our house don't use nice voices.

Lesson learned. --Sigh--


KJones said…
Hee Hee! What a character. Once I yelled at Kelcey to get in bed & she said to me "But mom, Jesus wants me to read my scriptures." Ugh! What do you say. "Yes, but Jesus also wants you to OBEY YOUR PARENTS!" Little stinker! MIss you & your cute fam. Lisa
Kathy P said…
Oh boy -- can't argue with that one.

Sometimes the nice people at my house don't use nice voices either.
Aiden comes up with the darndest things. It must be the third child syndrome. :)
Kristina P. said…
Kids are so perceptive and funny!