Even Pretty Princesses Have to Go.

A potty-training post? Yawn. But wait, I need your help. The little girl you see standing in the pretty-princess pull-up is Keelie. She is three-and-a-half and she has Autism. AGH! How in the world do you potty train a child with Autism? She has "used" the potty two times in the past and I am praying she will begin to use it regularly soon. Just like any "regular" child, she has had moments when it seems like she may just get the whole deal, but ... then she goes for months without batting an eye at sitting in a dirty diaper. Yuck. We've done the whole reward thing--snacks for using the potty. To her they were just snacks, not rewards. She even sits on the potty and makes a pssssss sound with her mouth--but can't seem to make the sound the right  way. This morning she even took her pretty-princess pull-ups (the entire package) and put them on the potty. I guess even pretty princesses have to "go".
I have successfully trained three other children; but I am looking for any helpful suggestions here. Please.


Erin said…
The one thing we did that worked for our Aidan (ironic, isn't it?) is we bought a Thomas the Tank Engine package that included a lighthouse, a boat, some track, and a couple of trains. Every time he went potty in the toilet we let him choose one of the toys. But if he had an accident, we took one of the toys away. After a few times, he didn't want his toys taken away anymore and he didn't have any more accidents! (Of course, this doesn't count night time. That's a whole nother post) :)

Oh, and as for ancient history - if people judged me based on how I was in high school, I would either have to hide under my bed or kill them. We're all adults now, and the past is SOOOOO long ago.