Straight From the Pages of Vogue

That's right, Ladies. Have you bought your Easter hat yet? Will you be attending this year's Kentucky Derby? Well don't buy a hat until you've seen what all of the stylish fashionistas will be wearing this spring. The imaginative stylists (I mean staff) at Primary Children's Medical Center EEG lab created this wonderful chapeaux for Keelie this morning while she was having a routine EEG. Keelie's beautiful hat came complete with uncooperative weather and a semi-truck load of quarter-pound hamburgers on the freeway; however, each decorative hat is custom made for your wearing enjoyment. We guarantee that with your hat, you will also receive one sleep-deprived night, hat hair covered in paste, and a twenty-minute nap on a hospital bed with a video camera directed right at your face. All of this for the amazingly low price of $450. Get yours now before supplies run out.

Next month in Vogue you will learn how to achieve Angelina Jolie's fabulous pout using the latest cosmetic procedure sweeping the country: tripping up the stairs and putting your teeth through you lip. (She managed to do this the night before the EEG while she was punch-drunk from sleep deprivation.)


Poor Keelie! I want a hat like that - not! But I do want a quarter pounder! :)
Kathy P said…
Poor baby... from the picture, it looks like she holds her little bear to her mouth like my little girl does when she needs comfort...

I hope she heals up quickly. And anyone else who was in the car.
Fiauna said…
Oh, bless your heart. I'm sorry I was not clear in my post. We were not in an accident; she was just having some testing done. However, the trip to the hospital for the test was exciting, if not stressful with the snow and hamburgers all over the road.

Thank you for your comments. I LOVE comments!
Em said…
so glad i'm not the only one;-)
Em said…
oh, and so fun to finally read someone's blog from the same area as me who can write about current events i've heard about on the news (i.e. hamburger paties). laughed so hard, thank you.
i needed a pick me up:-)