Dreams Really Do Come True

When I was young, I had a dream, a goal, a wish, to meet a mascot. I watched sports and had my favorites. My one true wish was to get my picture taken with ... Oh, who am I kidding? I never have liked mascots. I mean, aren't they kind of creepy? Wandering around the stadium, hot and sweaty, wearing that giant head--who in there right mind would agree to that? (No offense to any mascots out there. You guys sure have spirit.) But, you know what? My kids sure love them. Friday, while watching the USU women's gymnastics team go up against BYU, my kids had the chance to get a picture with the bull. They were quite excited, even if I was reluctant. Keelie thought it was just about the funniest thing ever--a giant, blue bull walking around, swinging his tail. And you can tell by the enormous crowd gathered in the background, we were fortunate to grab this special moment with the mascot. Aren't we the lucky ones? Good times.


Kristina P. said…
Mascots are sort of creepy. But the bull is awesome!
Kate said…
My kids never really liked them especially Chuck E Cheese, my daughter was real scared of him.
Cute picture. I just became one of your followers. Have a super week.
Snarky Belle said…
Mascots creep me out too. Something about not knowing exactly what's under that costume makes me unsettled.

Good times! :)
Kathy P said…
So did your kiddos sleep well after that, because I am pretty sure that bull would give me nightmares! :)
Mascots are creepy. The bull tried to steel my purse once. It was so cute how keelie liked him so much. Aubeny used to be scared of anything like a mascot even Mickey Mouse, but there she is in the picture! That was a fun night! :)
BAHAHAHAHAHA I feel the same way, but I guess I never said it out loud! My kids all like mascots too. I would rather just watch them from afar-- how stinky must those suits get?
Erin said…
USU...I haven't been there in ages.

Hey, I wanted to ask you something, and you don't have an e-mail address that I can find, so I hope it's okay that I write it right here. Be honest. Is it weird for me to be reading and commenting on your blog? Because I can't imagine how bizarre it would be if my ex-boyfriend's wife read my blog! I like your blog, and I have no animosity or whatever, but I certainly want to be mindful of you. If it's just too bizarre, let me know and I will disappear. No hard feelings whatsoever. (I certainly don't want you to feel like you might have to censor what you write, based on the fact that I read. Unfortunately, I have to censor what I write because my 80 year old grandma calls me out every time I write something even vaguely questionable, and I hate having to be careful!)