The Happiness Machine

Morning started with tears when we told Paige that she would have to stay home from school because she had been throwing-up all night. Yes, she was actually crying because she didn't want to stay home; she wanted to go to school.

Well lucky for us, Aiden made this fabulous Happiness Machine, (the contraption in the picture that looks just like a cash register. Yeah, ironic, I know.) to calm the tears. According to the manufacturer of the machine, all you have to do to create happiness is know the right code, type it into the machine, then press the button, and voile, your environment is immediately infused with happiness. Does it work? Well, let's just say that individual results may vary.

Later, he asked me what else he should make. I told him to build a machine that would automatically clean the house. He brought me the vacuum. True story.


Kristina P. said…
What a sweet kid!!
Too Cute! I love to see what their little minds will think of next.
Em said…
good grief, that's hysterical! happy thursday:-)
The Rambler said…
Great story....

I have one of them vaccums things....but I,ME,MOMMY has to use it :)

If he ever figures it out, pass it my way!

Stopping from SITS. Saying hello.

Your word verification is HAVOC. funny.
Thank you for stopping by my blog. That is so cute and so true about the vacuum. Sometimes just a quick vacuum of the carpet helps. I just can't wait to open up all the windows and get some fresh air in this house after a long and cold winter. I will be stopping back by your blog, I enjoyed reading your post. Have a good day!
Kathy P said…
This made me smile -- loved it. Tell Aiden his happiness machine is working even via the internet! :)

Hey -- this might be a great idea for another fantastic short story of yours!!! :)
Anonymous said…
How sweet is that!
Rhea said…
The Happiness Machine is adorable. What a sweetie!

I'm sorry your daughter is sick though.

I'm here from the SITS Welcome Wagon! I've been a member for a long time,and I've read so many fun blogs, met so many amazing women, and really enjoyed being a part of this community. Welcome to the SITStahood!