CPA's Are of the Devil!

Imagine my husband's surprise yesterday when, in the middle of another mundane day at the office, his truck alarm suddenly started to blare. Assuming he had bumped the alarm button on his key chain, he silenced the noise without getting up to check to make sure all was well. A minute later, his secretary came to his office to inform him that his truck alarm had been set off.

"Thanks, but I've already turned it off," he told her. But she said it again and insisted that he go check it out.

He went to the parking lot of his business office and found broken glass everywhere. The driver-side window of his truck was missing, and on the front seat was a rock with this inscription: CPA's are of the devil!

At first, he thought it said cars not CPA's and thought that some environmentalist group was attacking his truck. But then he realized someone was attacking his profession--maybe an angry client who owed a lot of taxes, or something. He told his secretary to call the police and he began to try to wrap his mind around what this all could possibly mean. He was busy--it's tax season, people--he didn't have time to deal with a crime scene investigation at the moment.

As he stood there, scratching his head, his brother-in-law Jason, and his friend Jeff (who both happen to be my husband's clients) drove into the parking lot shouting: "April Fools, Aaron!"

To which he replied: "Yeah, April Fools. Would you look at what someone did to my truck?"

Jason and Jeff laughed, shouting "April Fools," again.

"Yeah, I know it's April Fool's Day, but look at my truck! My secretary called the police. I don't know what I'm going to do."

Aaron didn't get it. The fool was on him. This was no hate crime against our overburdened tax accountants; it was nothing more than a well staged April Fool's prank. The window wasn't broken, just rolled down. And I'm not sure where they got the glass from, but Aaron assured me that it looked very convincing.

Thanks, Jason and Jeff, for giving me the laugh of a lifetime! This was one April Fool's Day we will never forget. I only wish someone would have snapped a few pictures.


Kristina P. said…
Wow! This is the kind of prank that might go to far for me. Glad it wasn't broken though!
Unknown said…
wow that had my heart a pumping-!! i couldn't pull something like that off!

how come kristina i always first?
kristina how come your always first?
Kate said…
That is crazy. You even had me going. I am so glad that everything is ok. Have a great weekend.
Anonymous said…
That is crazy! I mean seriously who would throw rocks at accountants during tax season...:)
Snarky Belle said…
Ok, I was getting all riled up, ready to write a post about how nasty people can be!! So glad that was just a joke! Now that I know it didn't really happen, I can laugh. :)
Christy said…
Ha ha ha! It never even occurred to me that it could be a practical joke. I mean, broken glass all over? Very clever. I would have acted just like Aaron.
Erin said…
Oh man! I'm glad he survived...I may have had a heart attack. What a crazy story!

(I'll e-mail you soon, when I have time.)
Kathy P said…
Wow -- better start planning payback now -- because you know he deserves it!

Too Funny!
Wow, that is quite the prank! Best april fools joke ever, who is that brilliant to think of it and pull it off? (year after year after year)
Em said…
hahahahaha, THAT is the greatest prank EVER!!!
Candy McCall said…
Todd and I are belly laughing right now. Todd was in suprise and suspense while I was reading this to him, "A hate crime?" "That's horrible"
Then we both laughed and laughed more when Aaron didn't get it.
That's such a good one!
Jay Allen said…
Well, even the dark lord Lucifer needs a CPA around tax time.
kel said…
Oh my gosh.. that is an awesome prank!!!
Unknown said…
Now THAT should be in a book :-) Hope you're going to write it in somewhere someday. Not nice!

And thanks for your comment on my blog. I agree with you. They are beautiful.
Kristen said…
That is the funniest April Fool's prank I've ever heard! I'm really enjoying reading your blog, and I'm amazed how you find the time to write!
Susan Anderson said…
Wow, that is some highly skilled April fooling. Sheesh!

(And what a relief, too, that it WAS a prank...)

Finally, it just cracks me up that they would put "of the devil."

proud mom! said…
That sounds like pranks my dad would pull. Well thought out. Too funny.
Jessica G. said…
You have an awesome family, to plan something like that! Well, some people might not think so but this is HILARIOUS!

And I agree with Real Mom...are you already planning the payback?
Shieldsfam said…
That is the best April fool's prank! I wish I could have thought of something like that.