It's Not So Bad, Is It?

I meant well. I had all the good intentions in the world. I prepared the bags of sweet, chocolaty goodness and placed them on my counter with the full intent of delivering them to the nice ladies that I visit teach early in the month--like before Easter.

The goody bags of deliciousness sat on my kitchen counter undisturbed for ... um ... three weeks. Until last night. The little Dove chocolate eggs wanted out of the bag. They knew they weren't living to their full potential packaged and just waiting to bring someone delight. They called to me, asking--no, begging me to eat them. What could I do? It's not so bad, is it? I know they were meant for someone else, but, come on. How long could I let them just sit there?

What? You say I should have delivered them along with an uplifting message to the lovely ladies from church? You might be right, but partaking in the chocolate myself is no crime. And I still have one more week to finish my visiting teaching, right?


I'm just me... said…
I say eat the chocolate! The ladies just want your company anyway, not the candy.
Erin said…
Three weeks? I think you're a saint for holding out that long.

You know those two boxes of Girl Scout cookies I found in my cupboard on Monday? Like, four days ago? They are gone. Both boxes. And Christian hates Thin Mints. And Ethan only got one. That's how pathetic I am.
proud mom! said…
Eat them, they will never know that you had chocolates for them. That is unless they read your blog.
Susan Anderson said…
Hope you enjoyed the chocolate!

(By the way, I think you have done your VT ladies a least, the ones with my size of waistline!)


PS. My VT brought around homemade chocolates last time she came. I tried, but could not resist them. The woman is an artist...
Trent said…
You are so funny.

* said…
It's all good, girl. That's what the stashed Ghiradelli squares in my bedroom armoir are for...when I **accidentally** eat the other baked chocolatey goodness stuff (cookies, brownies, you name it). I call it "back up chocolate".
Wendyburd1 said…
You wouldn't want to give the nice sisters OLD chocolate would you? No, those must be eaten and something new gotten for when you see them, maybe a nice spiritual thought!!:D
Kathy P said…
The way I look at it, you were saving you VT ladies from harmful calories and sugar. You are thoughtful like that. You were only thinking of them. You inspire me!
Em said…
yes, which totally means you have time to buy replacements...or bake...whichever. or not. whichever;-)
kel said…
Those suckers would not have lasted ten minutes on my counter!
Just SO said…
That's pretty darn good holding out for that long!
Kate said…
I have had that happen way too long. Sometimes I have good intentions but time gets away from me.