My New Favorite Quote ...

I'm taking a break from spring break because The Office last night was so inspiring I just had to blog about it.

Some people may not know that I love quotes; I'm a collector of quotes. Last night's episode of The Office (the first episode that aired) had a really great one. It may just become my new motto. I just have to share it with you.

"Average people are the most special people in the world. That's why God made so many of them." -- Michael Scott's Mom

Have a great day. Enjoy being average--I know I will.


Kristina P. said…
I cannot wait for this season to be over, so I can finally watch it!

I know this is shocking, but I never watched the office until about 6 months ago. I finally started them on DVD, and it was half way into season 6, so I haven't watched yet!
Susan Anderson said…
The Office is a big favorite in my family. Hope you're having a fun break! (Hopefully yours is more relaxing than mine used to be when my kids were little...)

Erin said…
Last night, I watched the regular time of The Office, from 8-8:30. Then I read your blog post, and I didn't even know I had missed an episode! So thanks to you, I went back and watched it online.

Great quote, by the way.

Have a great Easter weekend!
Kate said…
I also love being average. Have a great weekend.
Annette Lyon said…
That kind of thing is why I love The Office. I recently had to convince my sister to give it a try--I couldn't believe she'd never seen an episode. What the?!