My Side of the Story

Our first real day of vacation, and this is what Aaron is doing.
Last night, he took ill with a fever. So, at least for now, he's curled up in bed waiting for the ibuprofen to kick in while I try to keep four children quietly entertained in a hotel room. Hmmm. FUN!!!

So until the vacation continues as planned, I'll post my side of the story. This morning Erin posted this on her blog. Sounds interesting, doesn't it? Well I'll tell what happened on my end.

One day, I was happily blogging along when I decided to check out the blog of a friend of mine. The problem was, I couldn't remember the title or address of her blog. So, like any smart blogger would do, I googled her family name. What I found was a list of other blogs. Well, I had to take a look at each and every one of them, (well, not every one of them; there's only so many hours in a day). That's when I found If You Give a Mom a Moment, (yes, Erin, I blurked on your blog too). It's Erin I thought. I used to know her husband. How interesting. And my, what a great blog.

Later that week I noticed her all over the blogosphere; suddenly she was everywhere. She's quite popular, you know. And that should come as no surprise; she's quite possibly one of the nicest bloggers out there.

Then, it happened. I opened up my blog and found she had left a comment on one of my posts. Whoa. What would you do if your ex-boyfriend's wife left a comment on your blog? Of course I showed my husband. He laughed and commented on how strange the blogging world is. But then it took me a minute to return the favor and leave a comment on her blog. You see, like many people, I'm not fond of some of my high school memories and am hesitant to revisit them, or anyone connected to them. But what Erin helped me realize is the past is the past, you live and you learn, yada, yada, yada ...

How about you? Have you blogged into someone you know? Was it awkward? Or was it totally rewarding?


Kristina P. said…
I have, but it was an old roommate, and I went searching for her because she seemed like the type of person who would have a blog. And sure enough, she did!

And I think that you and Erin would be great friends.
Susan Anderson said…
I haven't had this experience, but I would LOVE to. Of course, my high school friendships go back a few more years than yours...and fewer women my age blog to begin with, so my prospects aren't great.

However, I can keep hoping!


PS. And you're right...the past IS in the past...and chances are that you and the newly-found Erin are each other's "type."
Erin said…
Hah HAH! You were blurking! So funny.

I'm glad we are friends now. :)
Just SO said…
I have not blogged into someone I know. I have friends that I know have blogs but not like long lost friends or anything. I kind of wish my ex's wife would have a blog so I could blurk. Ah well.
Anonymous said…
I've blogged into a few people from high school. However, I blurked and haven't gone back (They were less than pleasant back in the day, and I have no reason to catch up to them.)
Oh man...I cant believe Aaron is sick. WHAT A BUMMER!!!! I hope your week improves.

Ya, the blogging thing would be a little awkward. But then again I am not a fan of Facebook. So what can I say. I really like the friends I made later on in life more.

PS: We still laugh when we think of Aaron jumping on my Beach Cruiser!

Em said…
both!!! found out some ex's were secret stalkers of our blog, don't like that for sure. comments should FOR SURE be left;-) sean was sick with the flu yesterday. boo boo boo!!! achey, freezing, runny nose. same symptoms for yours?
Snarky Belle said…
Oh, I'm so sorry your man is sick. To be honest, even sorrier you have to keep the kids entertained in the hotel room. Here's hoping he's well soon, and you can all enjoy your vacation! :)

I haven't had an experience like the one you mentioned. That is crazy...glad it's workin' out for you!
Wendyburd1 said…
I haven't as of yet, but DO regret giving my bro and SIL my blog address, they are sucking the fun out og having a blog!
Kathy P said…
Erin was the first blogger I got to know. Love her.

I just actually met That Girl From Brazil tonight... she is here looking for houses.

Her husband is going to be working at my husbands company... very weird how it all turned out.

Definately COOL!
Kate said…
What an interesting story. It would be kind of strange to blog into a girl friend of my husband's. Hope you have a great week.
The Rambler said…
Wow F!

I read Erin too. Who knew the connection to you to?
Emmy said…
Very cute blog.
I haven't blogged into anyone from the past yet like that, but I have had requests on facebook from people in my past that well.. it was just a little weird with. But I would have felt weird denying their friend request, so I accepted, we probably said hi once and then went on with our own little worlds and lives.