Once the Ibuprofen Kicked In...

We finally got to go hiking.

It's a good thing, too; I was at the end of my rope.


Susan Anderson said…
Glad he was able to rally! And hope he can sustain it today!!

(Analgesics are a wonderful thing...)

Kristina P. said…
It looks like so much fun!
Just SO said…
I'm glad he was able to get up and moving. The hike looks fun!
Snarky Belle said…
Thank goodness for some Ibuprofen!

Looks so beautiful. Have a wonderful time!!
Angela Nazworth said…
Gorgeous photos! I found your blog via Erin's.
Em said…
wooooo, always wanted to go there. it was like living in rexburg and not going to yellowstone. so close, but never time. don't worry, we finally went three weeks before we moved here, but now, now it's the arches. is that not where you are? that's where it looks like you are. oh bother, there or not that's where i'm imagining you now. sigh...it's been a long day. 2:30-8:30am i was up with the pork loin and a high fever. him, not me. so sad. i'm not thinking straight today. sleep. that's what i need. sleep or eat. i just can't decide, so i ended up here.
Wendyburd1 said…
What beautiful pictures, that last one is GORGEOUS!!!
* said…
thank goodness for modern medicine!
3 Bay B Chicks said…
Ibuprofen is a very, very good thing. There are days that I likened it to one of my good friends.

Looks like you had a blast!

LaurieJ said…
Sick hubby's = no fun!
Candy McCall said…
Hope you're still having a great time! You guys deserve it.
trublubyu said…
clicked over here from erin's blog. and, i must say she was right- you are a cutie. (somehow that sounds really weird typed out)

love your blog and your cute family header pic.