Two Truths and a Lie

In honor of April Fool's Day, let's play a game of Two Truths and a Lie. Who knows, maybe you'll learn a little bit about me in the process. Have you played this before? You write a statement followed by two truthful things and one lie. Go ahead, give it a try.

1. Before I had children,
a) I worked in a photo lab
b) I worked in an endoscopy lab
c) I worked in a medical lab

2. When I was a kid,
a) I lived in a 100-year-old farm house
b) I lived on a tree-lined street in the suburbs
c) I lived in an apartment over a crypt-making factory

3. I have traveled to,
a) Boston, Mass.
b) Osaka, Japan
c) Toronto, Canada

4. In high school,
a) I frequently skipped school (shame on me)
b) I earned an academic letter (yay, me!)
c) I was on the swim team (but lost almost every race I was in)

5. I was enrolled in college at
a) Utah State University
b) Salt Lake Community College
c) Weber State University

Can you spot the lie? Can you find the truth? Take a guess. I'll tell you the answers later!


Kristina P. said…
I will post what I think are the lies.

1) b
2) a
3) b
4) a
5) c

I probably got them all wrong!
Kathy P said…
OOOHhh these are good. I definately am going to have to believe that you lived above a crypt factory -- that is just too good to be false. Either that or your imagination is great!
Hi, I'm new here! But I'm going to guess anyway...

1. a
2. b
3. a
4. c
5. b

Look forward to finding out what's true!
Candy McCall said…
I think the lie is that you skipped school frequently. Or maybe that is the truth. If it is and you earned an academic letter than you are AWESOME.
I do think you lived in an apartment above a Crypt making factory.
Can't wait to find out-
Erin said…
You never skipped school, right???

I'm too stupid at these kind of games to try to guess. But I look forward to reading the answers!

(Oh, and do you have an e-mail address that you give out? If not, you should create one just for the blog world. Because I would love to e-mail you.)
Anonymous said…
Let's see...I'll guess all A's!