Check Her Out

Be a fan of Respect, Humanity, Unity, Acceptance, Passion.

Yes, check out Keelie wearing my shirt. I won this fabulous shirt from Snarky Belle. It's part of the Special Olympics campaign Spread the Word to End the Word.

Yes, I know you know; I've told you all like a thousand times before. I am PASSIONATE about this campaign. It means a lot for me and my family. And so, as I am prone to do from time to time, I will share with you a story to illustrate my point. Please excuse me.

Brighton finished his lunch quickly so he would have plenty of time to enjoy the afternoon recess before returning to the drudgery of school work. He exited the cafeteria behind a very small-statured boy. He'd seen this kid around school many times, his smaller-than-average stature made him stand out in a crowd. But aside from his stature there was something else that made this boy stand apart from the other kids at school: this young man was in the special-needs class.

As Brighton and the other boy commenced down the hallway toward the playground, a few boys seated the in hall began to call out to Brighton.

"Stay away from him," they called, pointing to the small boy. "Stay away or you'll catch his retardedness!"

Brighton calmly walked over to where the boys were seated, and in a quiet voice, said, "Guys, don't say things like that."

The boy's mouths flew shut. Had no one taught them not to speak so unkindly of others? All it took was one simple sentence, six short words from a classmate to stop them from hurting a boy as defenseless as this young boy from the special-needs class.

Bravo, Brighton! Bravo!


Emmy said…
Good for Brighton! And good for you! That is something to be extremely proud of as a mother. My kids are still young enough that they seem to have no tact whatsoever. They don't say mean things just true things that well aren't always that polite.
Trent said…
Yeah Brighton! That isn't an easy thing to do. Not even for us adults at times. So we are so proud of you!

Just SO said…
Brighton rocks.
Snarky Belle said…
Way to go Brighton!!!
And, the shirt looks terrific! :)
Wendyburd1 said…
That is such a good story, Brighton rocks!
Susan Anderson said…
Brighton = my new hero!
Erin said…
Cool shirt. And very cool Brighton!

(My word ver is "imaten." I'm certainly not a ten this late at night, with makeup off and in my pajamas.
Good for him! We need more people like that in this world! You should be proud!
joyce & daines said…
We are grateful for Brighton to have a Keeley who has helped him learn such wonderful lessons. Give them both a hug for us. We surely do love our grandkids and their parents.
High five for Brighton!
Great job, mom!

Have a great week!
Keep smiling =D
Way to go Brighton! We are so proud to know you! :)