Idle Minds

I've been living a lot inside my own head lately. That means I've been thinking a lot of random thoughts, along with contemplating the meaning of my life and the direction it's been taking lately. Don't worry, I'm not getting all deep and philosophical here. I'm just saying that for anyone out there that has been led astray into believing that I have a deep-thinking brain inside my head, let me dispel that misperception with a little glimpse into my mind.

Here are just a few thoughts that ran through my idle mind today:


When I was younger and I first heard that song that says, "Shoo fly. Don't bother me," I thought the words were "Shoe fly, don't bother me." In fact--and here's the true confession--up until about two weeks ago, I was still wondering just what a shoe fly was as opposed to a regular fly, and what made it so special that someone wrote a song about it.


Recently, on a shopping expedition to Old Navy, I bought myself a cute little polo shirt. White with a little pink and green argyle pattern on the chest. I wore it one time, spilled something on it and put it in my bathroom sink to soak. And that's the last I saw of it. I've searched my house high and low. I've even checked my kids' closets. No luck. I have no idea where that shirt could have gone. Any ideas?


If Keelie had developed on the same timeline as my other children, we would have said good-bye to diapers over a year ago. But then I would miss the smell of baby wipes and Luvs diapers. *sigh*


This is the view from my kitchen right now:

The painting is coming along great. And no peeky, peeky with the windows covered like this. And that, of course, means I can saunter through the kitchen dressed however I choose. Hmm, what should I wear today?


Kristina P. said…
I used to think the same thing about Shoo Fly!!
Erin said…
Here's my thought about your shirt: Your bathroom sink is clean enough to put a shirt in it to soak? Please, please don't just show up at my house. My bathroom sink is gross.

I'm glad painters aren't staring into your windows right now. But the lack of light is probably a bit depressing too!
Wonder Woman said…
When you said your windows were covered, I thought you were going to say you could saunter by undressed!! Guess I need to get my mind out of the gutter.

A place my mind actually wandered today? Sprightling Diaries. Are you writing it as young adult fiction? If so, my critique might not apply so much. Just a thought. Ü
Just SO said…
Maybe the stain fairy took your shirt? I like you solution to the peeking painters. Very good.
Kate said…
There are just those things that disappear and never ever get found, like keys, socks etc. I guess that is where your shirt has disappeared to.
Wendyburd1 said…
It IS Shoe Fly!! What the?!!
The laundry room EATS clothes I tell ya!
Kathy P said…
I just wonder why anyone would want to write a song about flys at all -- shoe or otherwise.

And, don't put it past those sneaky construction guys... we have had them around before, they might surprise you by what they can see.

Our washing machine eats clothes. Literally. I had a repair guy come out once and with in a few minutes, he was pulling little socks and nursing pads (embarassing) from the guts of my machine... don't know about a shirt though.

I don't know that I would miss the smell of a diaper -- maybe. But hmmm, I don't know. Of course my almost 10 year old is still wearing pull ups at night, so maybe that is why...

OK I will stop gabbing now... really. I am stopping. Right now.
Em said…
sean says i always get all of the words wrong to every song. i'm not arguing, i'm just saying...
Susan Anderson said…
The shirt has clearly disintegrated. Next time, use something milder.

Emmy said…
You are brave to admit the thoughts of your head, I think I would be terrified at times to say what goes through my mind :)

My husband lost a pair of pants, still have no idea where they are to this day. How do clothes walk away? I swear they must though!
jen said…
I'd still be careful what you wear through the house. What if one of those pesky painters lifted a corner, just a tiny bit, to see if the paint was staying contained? And there you were in your zip-up Grandma house coat? Could the rumors be contained within the painting community?
Keep that mind flowing...
Hav a great weekend!
You are always so creative! I'm proud to call you my sister! :)