A Mind At Ease

How I want to write something uplifting, inspiring, thought-provoking today. But, I got nothin'; my mind is at ease.

Instead, the sunshine is calling to me, taunting and tantalizing me with its warmth and light. The grass is green, and I know it's moist because it was watered this morning. My feet want to feel the dewey coolness of the lawn. My skin craves the burning heat of the sun.

The painters are gone (much to my relief), and the house is quiet--for now, anyway. Should I do the laundry, or give in to the calling of this beautiful May afternoon? Sigh ...


Kristina P. said…
I so wish I could be outside now!
Anonymous said…
GIVE IN to the AFTERNOON!!!!! :) you can do the laundry tomorrow ♥
Kate said…
Enjoy the great outdoors. The laundry will wait.
Erin said…
I wish my skin craved the burning heat of the sun. I burn after about 10 seconds outside, so I try to stay inside as much as possible :)
Snarky Belle said…
A mind at ease....sounds wonderful. I hope you gave in to the calling of the afternoon! :)
Emmy said…
Give in! Give in!! Laundry will always and I mean always be there..sunshine and nice weather not so much
Em said…
ahhhhhh, hot feet and wet grass. simple summer pleasures.
Susan Anderson said…
Sometimes giving in is definitely the way to go. Hope you did!

I sure hope you gave in...
Just SO said…
Give in! The laundry will still be there.
Megan Smith said…
Give in! Life is for living!

We all have too many clothes as it is anyway. A big pile of laundry helps you to try out an outfit you haven't tried in a while!