She Rocks the Old-school Pants

We're going full-throttle on the potty training now that preschool is out and before summer school is in. The problem is that to Keelie Pull-ups are just really expensive diapers--she doesn't get that they aren't supposed to be used in place of the potty. So, we're doin' it old-school style with the cloth training pants and plastic cover. But here's the thing, she loves the plastic pants so much that she won't let me cover them with shorts. She calls them her dancing pants (or fancy pants--can't quite tell what she's really saying) and dances around the house in them. It's a good thing she has such cute little legs.

She did really well today (don't worry, I'm not going to bore you with daily updates~snore~) and we even got to celebrate her successful use of the potty with our new potty song, "Pee-pee in the potty, pee-pee in the potty. Yeah!"

One day down ... a whole lot more to go!


Kristina P. said…
That is so funny with her little plastic pants!
Emmy said…
Good luck! I was so happy at how easy it was with Alex, she totally made me believe that girls are easier than boys. :)
Wendyburd1 said…
My friends daughter had one of those training potties that played music once pee hit the bottom, LOL! She loved it!!
Susan Anderson said…
We used the training pants and the musical potty in the old days. Both worked great!

Good luck to both of you!!

I know you hear this alot but she is just so pretty!!! I love that hair. Plus I think its great that she loves the plastic pants. Cool!

Erin said…
I love the song. Can we start singing it at our house?

The things we do for our kids :)

But really, I am excited that yesterday was good, and hope for the best for you and Keelie. How is she doing today?
LaurieJ said…
I think we have the same potty song! Aren't the first couple of days are the hardest?
Good luck!! :-)
Kathy P said…
Lets hear it for the FANCY Pants!!
Em said…
SCREAM! i'm glad i'm not the only one that makes up a song for everythng! "turn, turn, turn the page! turn the page today!" sigh...
Bless your soul! Potty training can be such a frustrating nightmare.

I love that she calls them her 'dancing pants'
Kate said…
Good luck!!! I bet she will get it before you know it.
Susan Anderson said…
Hey, you won the giveaway! Come on over to my blog and click on the email in my profile so you can send me your address, okay? I'll probably send the books Wednesday.


Just SO said…
I LOVE her fancy/dancing pants!

Good luck!!
Wonder Woman said…
We're (I'm) in the midst of potty training the Hulk right now. He does fine as long as he's naked from the bottom down. He really struggles if he wears pants of any kind. Which complicates matters.

Keelie is beautiful, by the way.

And I don't know why your posts don't pop up on my reader every time. Weird.