Autism Every Day

I'm postponing my 100th post giveaway to bring you an important message from Autism Speaks. My friend Rachel found this video on Youtube and I feel compelled to share it. I didn't expect it to move me the way that it did, but it summed up a day in my life so perfectly that I found myself in tears.

Please watch it, share it, and grow in compassion for the many families dealing with autism.


Emmy said…
Wow.. sure makes you think. Thanks
Trent said…

I sat there with my eyes watering at first---and then the tears rolled. I thought...that is me!!!
It felt sad but also so freeing to see that other mothers did understand so many of those feelings that we feel. I'm glad it moved you too. Stay Strong!

Susan Anderson said…
Thanks for telling me about this Fiauna. I'm glad I was able to watch it and understand a little more what you (and others, like my sister) go through every day. I was especially moved by the mother who said she would give anything to be able to dance with her son at his wedding.

I hope, someday, researchers will find treatment that makes more of a difference. And I hope that more of the costs are covered too, and that the schools will give better, more specific support.

I really respect what you are doing as a mom. All of you.

Anonymous said…
that was such a touching video. thank you for sharing it with me. i have several friends that have children with autism. it is not an easy thing to handle in a day-to-day life. ♥ great post!
Erin said…
I just watched the whole thing. Thank you for sharing it with us!
3 Bay B Chicks said…
Such a very important issue. Thank you, Fiauna for posting this video. I am off to watch it now.


PS: Congrats on your almost 100th post. Major accomplishment btw!
kel said…
Very touching. Thanks for the heads up.
Snarky Belle said…
I really have no words. The "Can't You Just" segment as well as "Teach Your Children Well" broke my heart. I'll be sharing this with others. Thank you.
septembermom said…
I'm visiting from Kel's blog today. Thank you for sharing this moving video. I've actually been doing research about autism for my sister and her son. This is something I will share with her. Thank you.
Sarah said…
I just sobbed through the whole video. This is my life. Thank you for posting this!
Em said…
awesome fiauna, thanks!
Hang in there Sis! We love you and Kiki so much! :)