Back To Business As Usual

And the winner is ...

Email me your address and I'll send your lovely necklace.

And now we're back to business as usual.

The anniversary party was great. I think my in-laws enjoyed it.
My dad is still in the hospital, but closer to being on the mend.
The lime sherbet drink was a hit. Thanks for all of the recipes.

Deep breaths, whispered prayers, and lots of Diet Coke and I might just survive this summer after all.


Just SO said…
I'm glad that the anniversary party went well. Very glad that your dad is doing better! And Congrats to It's Just Me!
Emmy said…
I will keep you and your dad in my prayers! I am sure you will make it :)
Kristina P. said…
I hope everything is OK with your dad!
Erin said…
Congrats to the winner! I'm glad things are on the mend for your dad, and I'm glad the party was a success. Enjoy that Diet Coke (or six - whatever it takes)!
Kathy P said…
Glad the party went well... hope your dad continues to recover.

You think Diet Coke would count as food storage?
Susan Anderson said…
Glad your dad is doing better and that the party was a success. I'm doing a family reunion (for my mom's side) at the end of the summer, and I'm finding it kind of nerve wracking getting all the arrangements made, etc. I think I like being one of the attenders better than one of the planners...

I'm just me... said…
Thanks, I can't believe I won! I'm so glad your party was a success and that your dad is doing better.
proud mom! said…
It was great seeing your family. Your kids are really cute. It was alot of fun to visit with all the cousins. We need to do it more often.