Epiphanies of Common Sense

Every once in a while, seemingly out of nowhere, I learn a valuable lesson. Sometimes these moments of learning come from an experience. Sometimes they just pop into my head. I call these moments epiphanies of common sense. And I will share a few with you now.

While healthy competition is a good thing, greed and envy are not. Don't get them confused.

If your child wants to clean with you, hand her a rag and spray bottle and let her go to town.

One of the quickest and easiest cures for boredom is a walk.

Most advertisements are no more than carefully worded lies.

And my most recent epiphany: Don't put laundry soap in the dishwasher. Enough said.


Erin said…
Oh. My. Word. It didn't ruin your dishwasher, did it?

Duly noted.
Emmy said…
Oh no! How in the world did that happen??
My sophomore year of college, my roommate put dish soap in the dishwasher.. same affect.
Anonymous said…
Sometimes I wonder where our minds are!

Oh right we are moms, no explanation necessary.
Kristina P. said…
How does that even happen?!?!
Susan Anderson said…
I believe I will follow your elite counsel.


PS. That pic of your dishwasher is priceless.
Snarky Belle said…
Thanks for all your common sense epiphanies! And, I have to ask (like others have), how did the dishwasher deal happen? You can't just post a picture like that, and not give us the story! ;)
Oops! Talk about lessons learned the hard way..
Just SO said…
Oh dear! Well now your floor in front of the dishwasher is clean as well.