One flight from New York to Salt Lake City. And back.
One flight from California to Salt Lake City. And back.
Literally thousands of miles logged on I-15 from points north and points south of home.
All for one baptism of one very special girl.
Thank you friends and family for supporting Paige at this wonderful time in her young life.
You mean the world to us!


Erin said…
How cute! I love it when extended families are so supportive and willing to go out of their way to show their love.
Kristina P. said…
I love her little dress! What a great family.
Em said…
now THAT is dedication!
Susan Anderson said…
Don't you love when people go out of their way to make those days special for your children? I'm glad so many made it there for her.

Wendyburd1 said…
That is a beautiful baptism dress, she looks so serene!!
Good friends and family are PRICELESS!
Unknown said…
such a great family..

i love it when it all works out!
Unknown said…
She's just beautiful! Congratulations on her baptism - that is so special!