July 7th 1995

I liked him for his smile and the scar on his cheek that he fibbed and told me he got in a knife fight.
I liked him for his big blue eyes and thick hair.
I liked him for the way we could talk and talk for hours.
I loved him for how he made me feel confident and beautiful.
I loved him for the way he made me smile.
I loved him because he listened to my story, my crazy ranting and tears, and loved me anyway.
I married him for how he spoke with about his family.
I married him for the peace he brought to my heart.
I married him for the way he spoke with reverence about the gospel and the importance of a temple marriage.
I love him still for the way he tenderly loves our children.
I love him still for the way he regards us as two parts of a whole.
I love him still because, after 14 years, being married to him is the best part of every day.

Happy anniversary, Aaron.


Shelley said…
Congratulations!! Happy Anniversary- 14 years and a beautiful family later, and you still look hot!
Anonymous said…
Happy Anniversary!!!!!!

Have a WONDERFUL day!
Kristina P. said…
What a beautiful picture! Happy anniversary!
Erin said…
Happy anniversary to you and Aaron. I bet the next 14 will go even faster!
Emmy said…
Happy Anniversary!! What a beautiful post.
My husband has a big scar from where he got a mole removed on his shoulder and he told me he got it in a knife fight too :)
Susan Anderson said…
Happy Anniversary! Hope your entire day is filled with romance. (Fat chance with kids, but hey...you can hold out hope for the evening, right?)
Happy Anniversary!

P.s. What's the scar really from?
Em said…
you are gorgeous! i love that picture of you two. happy wedding day:-)
Trent said…
Happy Anniversary!!!! I LOVE that picture! You guys are a great match. Heres to many more years!

R. K. Allen said…
I'll never forget that day - it was so happy. You two are wonderful together. Congratulations!
Just SO said…
Happy Anniversary!!! Ours is in three more days. July is an awesome month for weddings.
Wendyburd1 said…
Awww Congratulations Fiauna!! Happy Anniversary!
Jeannie+Jay said…
Yay for your anniversary! Without it there would be no our(J&J) anniversary. Happy day to us all!
Jennifer said…
Awww! How sweet! Happy anniversary!
Byron said…
What a nice tribute to you guys. Congratulations.
Candy McCall said…
I love your photo. You two are still such a handsome couple together!
You do have a great husband and father for your children. How lucky for him to have the same thing in you for his wife.