The Countdown Begins

It's August. It's hot. My kids have just gotten into the swing of summer. All of it means one thing: the countdown to the start of school has begun.

I'm a mix of emotions. On the one hand, I love having my kids home with me. On the other hand, I love not having the kids home with me. Ya dig??

Yesterday, while the kids were happily engaged in play with their cousins, I got a call from Keelie's preschool teacher to schedule a day of testing. Testing? Time for tests already? Does that mean I have to study? And that reminded me of the dreaded task of homework. Ugh. But then I remembered shopping sans children. Yay! And then I remembered wet, muddy shoes filled with playground sand. Ugh. But then I thought about jogging without the burden of pushing a stroller. Yay! Back and forth, and back and forth I go. I feel bi-polar.

21 days until the start of the new school year. Happy? Sad? Which is it?


Kristina P. said…
The summer seems to go by so fast!
Susan Anderson said…
I was always mostly happy with a tinge of sadness. (I did love those child-free shopping trips!)

Wonder Woman said…
My oldest has another year before kindergarten, and for various reasons, I've decided to keep him home and not in preschool. I plan on buying workbooks and setting up specific times for school, and attending story and craft times at the library. So......this is the last summer where I don't really have a countdown. That in itself is.....weird.
Erin said…
Yep, I'm with you. I haven't even thought about clothes shopping yet! We start in 16 days, so I guess I had better get hopping.
Kami said…
I'm 50/50 with school starting. I love all they learn and accomplish in school, yet I don't want them to grow up! Plus we are trying to cram in as much summer fun as we can before school starts and time is starting to run out!
Sarah said…
I understand completely, I too am looking forward to getting "my time" back. I have enjoyed this summer probably more than any other however and will miss having them around. We have finished school shopping and if it came tomorrow we would be ready, too bad it is another three weeks!
Emmy said…
We are about to start the school thing for the first time in only 7 days and 18 hrs (I have a count down on my google home page.) I definitely have mixed emotions. I am so excited for Lucas, so terrified for him and really wondering what are Alex and I going to do all morning just the two of us?
Crazy.. and for us it begins.
You know how I feel about it Fiauna! I love it!!! Love the routine and I personally think my kids do better with the school routine. I have enjoyed many moments this Summer, but am looking forward to peeing in silence. Sorry-too much info! hee hee

Wendyburd1 said…
I think being both is perfectly acceptable! You get some me time when they are in school, but yeah you miss them too! But then you look forward to the little ones running up to you after school, shouting Mommy look at what I made!! :)
Kathy P said…
We have 6 days until school starts... and I already am planning my days without the kiddos. It involves a lot of missing them.

What are you gonna do? Its a double edged sword.
Megan Smith said…
I guess maybe if I lived in UT I might have that dilemma but here in CA it's a no brainer. Infact, due to our public school experience last year coupled w/some strong impressions/directions from the Spirit, we've decided to begin home schooling Annalee and Devin this year alongside Connor. I wish I had a more wholesome/quality school environment to consider! The good news is that when things are so bad (such as our school experience last year with Annalee and Devin) you can't hardly wait to get them out and provide something better.
So I guess trips to the store by myself is a luxury that will have to wait for Saturdays! :)
Candy McCall said…
I dig.
I get the happy/sad emotion complex.
As I think about it more...I tend to lean toward very happy for school to start. Not just for obvious, but I realize how happy the kids are to be learning and growing.
Or is that just my justification?
Em said…
sappy. not you. sappy=sad & happy:-) the start of school is always sappy. so much excitement, but the nerves, OH THE NERVES! but the school supplies:-) i must admit i still by them even though i have no good reason to buy them. when i was teaching school i would get all of the great deals in july at walmart or office depot. walmart had the crayola crayons for 20 cents a box in a big bin until supplies lasted. i always bought half the box, hahahaha. office depot always had folders for 1 penny. 1 penny. now THAT'S deal. i think the limit was 20, but i always got the checker to let me have 60 for a penny a piece. gotta love office depot. i must sad i can't WAIT for school start. not b/c of the actual kids going to school part, seeing as this doesn't affect me right now, but it means the cold air is coming AND that affects me right now! come to me COLD, come to me!!!!