The First Cut is the Deepest

You know that expression. The first cut is the deepest. And probably the most painful, too. For some reason, today the tears won't stop. This morning I dropped Keelie off for her first day in the ASSERT preschool program. And while I know she is in the absolute best hands, being cared for by a group of highly trained professionals, it doesn't stop the panic in me.

I imagine her sitting at lunch without me. Someone else will open her lunch bag and prepare her sandwich. Someone else will put the straw in her juice box. Someone else will change her diaper after lunch (unfortunately the potty training this summer didn't go as well as I would have hoped). Someone else will soothe the tears of her frustration, reward her good behavior, reprimand her inappropriate outbursts.

While this is a trial that all parents must face, for the parent of a child with a disability, the pain is ten fold. How I want to protect her, shield her from the world. She is my flightless bird and I wish only to keep her safely nestled in the hollow of my hand. But I know I cannot keep her caged within the safe confines of my heart and home. I must release her little by little. But this one, this first cut, it's the deepest.


Kristina P. said…
Hang in there! She, and you, will be fine!
Unknown said…
wow this post really is a beautiful tribute to the love you have for that baby girl. but you know she will be ok..
she can do it!
Susan Anderson said…
Wonderful post, Fiauna, a beautiful expression of what you're experiencing. While I can't know how difficult it is for you to take this first step in letting your little daughter (in her own way) fly, you've helped me to feel it just a little...and I am sending many hugs your way.

Just SO said…
(((Hugs))) I know how you feel. I hope that she (and you) have a great experience with school.
Anonymous said…
You always have such a way of writing things that puts it all out there and in perspective.

I will never be able to really let them go.

Hang in there.

Erin said…
I look forward to hearing about her triumphs after the first day (or week, etc) of school!
Emmy said…
She will do great! I feel so bad for you, it is scary and hard.. but don't worry she'll make it. Kids are so much more resilient and strong then we will ever be. :)
Sarah said…
I remember struggling with this when my girls were the same age but then I realized, HEY I have the whole house to myself when they are gone! The feeling didn't last long.
Em said…
i would think it would be such a relief to have some time to yourself, but it's funny how things never end up the way you think they'll turn out...
Wonder Woman said…
I had never considered what the first day of school would mean for a mom of a special needs child. Wish I could give you a hug and take you out for ice cream. ♥♥
Wendyburd1 said…
Just breathe and you will get through this! She is in skilled hands and with people who love to work with special needs kids, so she will do great and this will give her a sense of freedom, like she is a big girl now too!((HUGS))
I completely understand and it is HARD!!!! Plus she is gone for the day. I am sure it was rough but each day will get easier and she will love it I bet. SO stay strong sister and try not to think of the sad stuff. Because it will get better! We both know that school makes them thrive and reach even higher potentials. They grow up.

Snarky Belle said…
Your words are beautiful and heartwrenching all at the same time. I am thinking of you and your precious daughter. Sending so much love.

Oh my gosh! NO word verification is "wings". Even though you see her as your "flightless bird" now, you are preparing her and giving her wings little by little.