I Smell a Merger

Have you ever wanted to kill your blog? No? Never? Well I have. So after months of consideration, I've decided it's time not to kill my blog, but to consolidate it. I've decided to combine my two blogs into one delightful and insightful blog. It's a merger.

We all know sometimes mergers don't work out, and sometimes combining things can be disastrous, (think green jello with carrots and mayonnaise. Yuck!) but I have a feeling this will be a good thing.

As most of you know, keeping a blog current is a lot of work. Keeping two blogs current is . . . well, it's even more work. For all the work it's been, posting my work on The Sprightling Diaries blog has not provided the payoff I had hoped for nine months ago when I set it up. And while I love the look of the blog, and I enjoy sharing my passion for writing, I just don't have it in me to keep two blogs going right now.

This in no way means I've given up my writing dream. On the contrary. With the kids going back to school, I'm going to be taking some writing classes, honing my skills, and hopefully more fully developing my talent. And since I write so much on this blog anyway, I'll just post my writing updates here instead. Check out the side bar for information on my latest work in progress. And if I have any big news to share (like a contract or something--hey, a girl can dream) I'll post it here.

So, you see, I'm not killing my blog, after all. It's merely a merger. And we all know how good a merger can be, right? Think BLT sandwiches, or cookies 'n cream ice cream, or s'mores, or Cherry Coke, or . . .


Erin said…
Good for you! A merger is probably a good thing for you, to give you more time to do what you love - write. Good luck!

P.S. I have thought about killing my blog - more than once.
The Rambler said…
Whew...I was worried for a minute.

Thought you were leaving us.
Emmy said…
There have been some days were I have been like, enough already.. but then I get some really good ideas and can't help but want to blog them :)
Good for you for the merger!
Wonder Woman said…
I know what you mean! I have that scripture blog that I just never get to. And it makes it look like I never read my scriptures. Which isn't true! I just can't find/make the time to write about what I read.

This will be good. I want to keep updated on your writing journey, but spend less time blogging, so this will be very good.

p.s. did you send me stuff? did I never read it? this is tickling the back of my mind.....I think I'm a major slacker....e-mail me....
Kristina P. said…
I can barely keep up one blog, let alone two!
Susan Anderson said…
Makes sense to me. I like a blog to have diversity. Look at all the stuff I clutter up my blog with!

Besides, now I'll only have to visit one place to get the best of both Fiauna worlds!

Wendyburd1 said…
A merger sounds great! I can't imagine keeping 2 blogs up to date, I would pull my hair out!!
Kathy P said…
I didn't kill my Angel blog -- I just let it die off from starvation... :)

So the big question is... are you still posting a chapter every week?