Say What?

A few things I've heard in the past couple of days.

"Oh, no! Black Justice just fell into the sink."

"And that's how you say 'nacho' in German."

"Why are you crooked?" "Because I'm not straight."

Um . . . I'm pretty sure that last one didn't come out right.


Emmy said…
Too funny, but who or what is Black Justice?
I'm just me... said…
Just how do you say nacho in german? Just wondering. Funny stuff!
Kristina P. said…
I laughed at the Nacho line.
Susan Anderson said…
I miss having kids at home! Never a dull moment.

Erin said…
You'll miss this stuff when they go back to school!
Wendyburd1 said…
LOL! I take it Black Justice is an action figure?

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steve and lisa said…
Hey, Kelcey's blog address is
Her 5 other friends will be all leaving for college & wanted to created some way to keep track of each other! Cute!
LOve all your posts!
Miss you guys!
How was San Francisco?
How are your new neighbors- the ones you are related to?
How are you guys doing?
Miss everyone!! Love ya!