She Also Does Windows

Yes, a child who loves carrots and mopping. What more could a mother ask for?
Oh, and did I mention that she also does windows?

(Yet another quality photo brought to you by Yours Truly.)

Now, go click on over to The Sprightling Diaries where I'm posting chapters from the next book. Go ahead, give it a go.

And to all of you who received this twice in your reader, my deepest apologies. I had to edit it; the original post looked horrid.


The Rambler said…
I'm sold. How much :)

We could trade. Lil Rambler loves to vaccum and mow the lawn (Her grandpapa taught her...)
Emmy said…
Wow! You are lucky.
Erin said…
I love the photo! It's perfect just the way it is.

I promise, I really am going to get to The Sprightling Diaries. I want to sit down when I have ample time to read and admire.
Blair Edgington said…
Hey! I saw that you commented on my blog! and that your a follower! well i decided to keep myself safe i am making my blog private so i need your e-mail to add you as a reader!
Cynthia said…
Good thing you've got a photo because you'll need to remember later that at one time, she actually LIKED helping!
Susan Anderson said…
Nothing like a beta carotene-infused helper around the house. I bet she has energy to burn!

Where do I sign? My floor and windows are in desperate need of cleaning!
Lisa Anne said…
Great photo, I can barely get my son to make his own bed yet alone mom a floor. What's your secrets?
Kathy P said…
She would get along FABULOUSLY with B (she is more of a laundry, pickup and brocolli gal)

What a cutie!
Keelie is so cute! I love her cute little personality. :)