Zone Defense

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At one point or another, during our college years, my husband and I both worked at Wal-Mart. Many relationships were formed and lessons learned while walking the overstocked aisles of the superstore, under the glare of the fluorescent lights.

Every night, near closing time, a voice would come over the loudspeaker calling out to the employees, "Attention Wal-Mart associates. It is now time to begin zone defense." At this time, the employees would wander their designated areas, checking the shelves and displays, making sure all was where it should be and in proper form.

Sometimes this was a bigger task than other times. During the shopping hours the costumers could wreak havoc on the store, picking up, moving, and misplacing items throughout the store. It all had to be put back in the proper place, and arranged for good presentation. No matter how late it was, or how tired they were, the employees couldn't leave until the work was done.

It is no different in life. The world has a way of creeping in and moving things around, picking up our priorities and misplacing them. We each must call for a zone defense--often. We have to ask ourselves if the way we are living is in line with what we believe. Are our goals reflective of who we truly are and what we want to become? Sometimes what we think we want can keep us from being truly happy.

I've begun to take some time to do some zone defense in my own life. What I've found is that I have been allowing the world to misplace a few of my priorities, distracting me from the work I'm really here to do. As I am beginning to put my priorities back in the right place, I'm finding greater peace and clarity in my life. And I'm finding out that my life doesn't have to be complicated; I'm running this show and can therefore choose most of what I allow into my world.

It's humbling work, this zone defense, and I hope I can get everything in the proper place before the doors on this life are locked and the lights turned out. How about you? Have you done some zone defense lately?


Kristina P. said…
I could definitely be better at it!

BTW, check out my blog! You're a winner!
Susan Anderson said…
I'm in the process right now, Fiauna. And you're right, it feels good.
Anonymous said…
My blog is my zone defense. Writing about my life puts it in perspective. I complain less and focus on the positive more.
Megan Smith said…
I like that, Fiauna, thanks for writing. I thought you were going to talk about picking up the house at the end of the day but your take on this is even better. If we're not actively "watching" ourselves it's like we're on a raft in the water and pretty soon we don't even realize how far we've drifted.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for writing this, now tell do I start this, you know I need something like this big time in my life right now.
You are always full of insight and inspiration! I truly need to do a Zone Defense.
Emmy said…
What a great idea. Really there are some things that just need to be taken care of, and other things that it is okay to let others help or just put off for a while.
Time goes fast, only certain things really matter.
Em said…
when brennan was born i was so overwhelmed with the adjustment of a new baby. a colicy baby. almost completely lost it by the time he was 6 weeks old. through all of this it would have been smart to stay on top of my scripture reading and prayers, but they were the first things to go. i'm finally getting back into a good routine, but definately need some work in that department.
Anonymous said…
Facebook is mine. Thanks for sharing a very interesting post. Keep it up. Good luck on all your life's endeavors. By the way, these free gift cards might interest you too. Have a blessed day!
The Rambler said…
I so can appreciate this post!! I think it's why I was gone for a bit. Doing a little putting things back in it's place in my life.

I know, I know...Rambler, Fiauna. Fiauna, Rambler. :)

I've missed you!
Candy McCall said…
love this. Thank you.
Have you read Simplify by Carolyn Rassmus yet? It is not the simplify that people think of as cleaning out outer clutter. The whole book is about clearing our inner self and mind. Simplifying our focus and priorities.
If you haven't read it- I bet you'd really appreciate it right now.
I need some zone defense time. Thanks for the reminder.
Jay Allen said…
Hey Fi --

Thanks for linking to 'Pumpkin Smashing'
Kathy P said…
Great analogy! My zone defense has been taking me a long (LONG) time. I think our family is finally getting things back in place... and hopefully in order.

Love you! Thanks for sharing this!
Emmy said…
I just gave you an award, check it out on my blog.
Susan Anderson said…
Are you on vacation, Fiauna? I'm missing you!

Tracy Loewer said…
I was just thinking about this the other day. Well, not in those exact terms, but September was an absolute zoo for me, and in the middle of the chaos, the thought came to me that I could either act or be acted upon.

I firmly believe that no matter how crazy life gets, we have more control than we think. Not necessarily over certain circumstances, but definitely over how we react. I just need to be reminded of that every once in a while :)