An Open Letter to My Computer

Dear Mac (I can't believe after a year I still haven't given you a real name.),

You may have noticed a little distance in our relationship lately. It's not you; It's me. We've been together for one year now. We've seen some really good times. You've helped me reach goals and learn so many new things. We've laughed. We've cried. We've been inseparable. And I feel that I can honestly say that you are one of my best friends (Sad, isn't it?).

But lately, something's changed; things have been different. Maybe it's all the pressure I'm under to produce good fiction in my writing class. Or maybe it's those nasty critiques I both given and received. I just feel like I need some space to, you know, breathe. I just need a some time to work through some things, get organized.

It's not healthy for our relationship to grow this codependent. Maybe we just love each other too much. I feel that a little time apart will do us some good. It's not like I'm breaking up with you. We'll just be taking a break for a while.

And we'll still see each other around. We still have our weekly writing classes, and I'd still like to blog from time to time. Oh, and don't forget email and Facebook; we'll definitely have to keep up on that. We just won't have to do it every day.

So, smile. Keep your chin up and know that I still love you. And I'm sure in the end, when I'm feeling a bit more myself, we'll get right back together.




Em said…
oh the dream of being a mac owner. someday i'll have you mac, someday. i really do enjoy my huge 22 in pc screen too.
Kristina P. said…
I don't understand all the Mac love. I am a PC girl, I guess! :)

Glad to see you're doing well.
Emmy said…
Love it! Have you seen the new magic mouses??? Eric and I are headed to the apple store tomorrow night to check out all of the new things. I too love my mac, and my iPod touch, and our apple TV, and our airport express... Um yeah, we like apple products around here.

And Kristina, if you got a Mac you would understand the love.
Susan Anderson said…
I've been missing you, but we all need some balance in our lives, right? And if you're in writing classes, you probably have way less time for blogging.

I'm glad you'll still be around, though. And I will be looking forward to every post!

Kathy P said…
And this is why you will get that publishing contract one day...

So creative!
Jeannie+Jay said…
Wow, is this hard for you? Glad you will still keep us all in touch through Mac regardless.
Anonymous said…
To have a Mac is to love it.

I hope your new relationship rules work out for you. I have a tough time being separated. I am right now blogging while feeding my children and eating breakfast.

Multi-tasking mama. That's me.
Stephanie said…
My mac and I both shed a tear as we read your heartfelt letter. :)
Sarah said…
I love my Mac, but I don't want to spend all my time with mine either.
Erin said…
I've been keeping myself away from my PC lately. Maybe it's because I don't have a Mac?
Vanessa said…
Oh someday I want to be able to talk to my Mac :)

vanessa from
R Allen said…
You are separating from your MAC? If I had him, I would divorce PC in a second...