You Tell Me . . .

Should I buy the fake, Halloween cobwebs that my kids want me to buy, or do I use the REAL cobwebs already strung up around my house?

In other words, do I buy Halloween decorations for my home this year, or do I simply let my scary lack of housekeeping skills do the decorating for me?

What do you think?


R Allen said…
Just get some fake spiders and you're set. No need to make work for yourself...
hmm...good question. I say go with the real ones. Throw some bugs in them and you will be good to go1
Erin said…
There's no such thing as Fall Cleaning. Definitely go with the real ones! (Or buy the fake stuff for your kids' rooms and then make them swear to clean it up after Halloween.)
Susan Anderson said…
I think that as long as you have lots of candy it won't matter.


PS. But the jack o'lanterns HAVE to be real!
Kristina P. said…
The real ones are tons cheaper. I cvan even donate some to you!
Sarah said…
I say go with what God gave you! If it isn't enough, then embellish. Still interested in a Mothers of Autistics lunch? Email me if you are and I will give you the details.
Emmy said…
Go for both just to make the kids happy :)
Anonymous said…
I was cleaning my porch off today and decided to leave the cobwebs for another few weeks!
Em said…
both. i too have the real cobwebs. they make the fake ones look real. the fake ones are super cheap at the dollar store, or the walmart bag comes with fake spiders and you can stuff it all back in the bag and reuse it next year too.
Jay Allen said…
Real ones, definately
Just SO said…
I'm sticking with the real ones with the fake ones in for a mix of textures.

Love your new Fall look around here!
I'm just me... said…
I'm with the others. Use the real ones! Add in some pumpkins and fake spiders and you are set.
Anonymous said…
I believe in keeping it real.

Just remove the actual spiders. Yuck.
Melanie said…
LOL! Go with the real ones and you won't have to work so hard:)
Brillig said…
BRILLIANT! I have potted plants hanging down over my porch. They're dead as dead can be. It is a truly frightening look. I've decided to keep them up until Halloween and pretend like it was all on purpose...
Laura Lynn said…
Funny question! I'm partial to the real ones I am looking at now...nice to see I'm not the only one!
Kathy P said…
I am a little late with my response, but Trevan just announced to me today that we don't need to buy ones because we already have them... nice.