Smile and say E!

I had the pleasure of taking the boys to the doctor last week to check on their growth (both good) and development (also both good). Height and weight both on the charts. Vaccinations all up to date.
In fact there were no problems; every test came out okay. Oh, except for one little test called the vision screening.
When Brighton stepped up to the line to read the eye chart the only line he could read was the first one. The big letter E.
After verifying that up close he did indeed know and could read the other letters on the chart, the doctor informed me that, according to their vision screening, Brighton's vision is 20/200 in both eyes.
That means that what most people can see at a distance of 200 feet, Brighton can only see at a distance of 20 feet.
In fact, two nights later, while trick-or-treating around the neighborhood, I spied one of our kooky neighbors with a horse in his house. Yes, a horse in his house. Okay, it was a Shetland pony, but an equine just the same.
When I pointed across the street and said, "Look Brighton. That guy has a horse in his house." Brighton chuckled and replied, "Mom, I can't see it."
That was the first and only time he has ever complained about his vision.
I had no idea.
He didn't either, stating simply that he thought everyone saw everything the same way he did: blurry.
Later he tried on his dad's glasses and marveled at his surroundings as everything came into focus, exclaiming, "I can see. It's all so clear."
So, off to the ophthalmologist we go to get Brighton hooked up with some stylin' spectacles. (No, the glasses in the photo are not Brigton's real glasses. I'll post the real photo's later.)


Kristina P. said…
I've been wearing glasses since I was a kid too!
That is crazy that he has never said anything!! I always wonder what things my kids think is just normal! Can't wait to see the new look!!
steve and lisa said…
Yup, Jacy's eyes were checked at school & she needed glasses! Yes, I had no clue, but she did complain to me more than once! I am just a bad MOM!!! She also had a bladder infection that we didn't catch for about 4 months - bought her a new cell phone to make up for that one!!! You are a wonderful mom & Brighton will love his new glasses!
Megan Smith said…
unbelievable that he's gone this long without this affecting him! I love that picture! Brighton will always be my favorite 'Lund'!
The Rambler said…
Oh Lordie...I thought those where what the doc gave him. :)

Unknown said…
Ask your pediatrician why ti took so long for him to find this issue. There is some great technology out there that can pick up vision issues as young as six months. check out and let your doc know.
Anonymous said…
Ah the fateful day when two eyes became four. I remember it well.

Maybe they'll get better as he grows and his eyes will change. That's what happened to me. Now I can pass the driver's test.
Anonymous said…
I got my glasses in the 4th grade and both of my kids got theirs in the 3rd grade. I can't believe he has went this long and it wasnt caught!
These days though with all the new styles and stuff it is relatively "cool" to have glasses. Not like back in the 80's when we wore those funky big plastic ones!
Em said…
i've had friends tell me they didn't know the world was supposed to look that clear;-) funny how that can happen if you've never seen it the way you're meant to!
Emmy said…
I can't believe his eyes were so bad and he never complained! Silly boy!
Christy said…
When I was in 4th grade, we went on a trip to California. My parents noticed something suspicious when I wasn't able to see the HUGE eagle perched on the telephone pole right next to the freeway that we were driving down.

Just like Brighton, I just thought everyone saw things blurry!

I remember getting glasses, and I was amazed that I could see individual leaves on the trees.

I hope he'll love his new glasses! Thank goodness for vision screenings, huh?

And can you believe that horse? Jake thought it was a big dog, and my jaw about hit the floor when I realized it was a shetland pony. So stinkin' cute! But wow, that's a house pet I have NEVER heard of before. He might have a hard time explaining that to a new buyer if he ever moves. "Oh, those dents on the floor? They're just hoof marks, no big deal." Ha ha ha!
Susan Anderson said…
That's about the age I was when I got my glasses. And I had no idea that other people saw better than I did.

I remember the day I got the new glasses. I simply marveled at everything I saw, especially the leaves on the trees. It was like a miracle!

And at school, I could actually see the board without squinting!

So rock on, Brighton. They've got some pretty cool-lookin' specs out there these days.

R Allen said…
My daughter needed glasses for near-sightedness when she was 6 but she kept breaking them or losing them so she ended up with NO glasses! After six months I went to get her some more glasses only to find she no longer needed them! Go figure!
Wonder Woman said…
The first time I got contacts (in my 20s) I was AMAZED. Driving home was a wonder -- I could see individual leaves on trees! And read the signs from far away!!

You just don't know what you're missing until it's all there.
Erin said…
It's funny when they don't know what they are missing out on, huh? We have noticed lately that Ethan isn't hearing us very well. We took him to the specialist and sure enough, he needs ear tubes. AGAIN. At least he will be able to hear after that!
I'm with Erin, it's funny how they don't realize they are missing things. Thank Goodness for regular checkups and thorough doctors!
Kathy P said…
My son was 12 before we figured out he couldn't see a single thing... He loved them for the first few months. Now?? He "looses" them so he won't have to wear them... go figure.