Pencils Down. Time's Up.

November's over. I didn't reach my goal--not even by half. That's okay, this is a marathon, not a sprint. I made some good progress, and I'm happy with where the story is going. So, yay! That's done.

Brighton got his glasses (I know I promised pictures, but you'll just have to take my word for it when I say they look great.) and noticed the difference right away. He looked at me and said, "Mom, you look different. You have lines on your face, and little red dots, too." Yep. That's nice. Thanks for noticing.

After going three consecutive weeks without a full night of sleep (The time change always really messes up Keelie's sleep schedule. She woke up every morning at 3:00, climbed out of bed and began tormenting her siblings.), I caught the Mother Of All Colds. Now I have a chapped, red nose and watery, blood-shot eyes to go along with my lines and red dots. The good news is that after purchasing our fourth (and hopefully final) crib tent, Keelie is once again sleeping through the night. And now that I can get some rest, hopefully Brighton will begin noticing how truly lovely (and young looking) his mother really is.

Okay, now I'm going to confess this once, and only once, and then I don't want to hear about it anymore. During the past month I wasted my time (time I should have spent writing) watching this: , and reading this:. Ummm . . . Uhhh . . . I'm at a loss for words right now. I can't seem to find the right way express my disappointment. But, then again, what was I expecting?

How about you? What have you been up to?


Susan Anderson said…
I'd say getting halfway to your goal ain't bad! As for me, I've been working like a crazy woman trying to get ready for Thanksgiving and now Christmas. Right now, I am taking a quick break before I take down all the pilgrim stuff and replace it with santas.

Whew. My list is a mile long. But one day at a time, right?

Good to have you back again!

Trent said…
I laughed out loud at Brightons observations!!!! Kids. Plus I can laugh outloud because you look way young! I saw New Moon too, and I have to say that I didn't appreciate the way they tried to sway me into actually liking Jacob. Not very happy about that! hee hee

Emmy said…
Gotta love kids honest to the T :) Well unless they break something or do something they are not supposed to :)
Kristina P. said…
Hey, I'm sure you wrote about 20,000 more words than I did!
Em said…
i must confess, my friend bought me that book. there was a gift receipt inside. i took it back and exchanged it for halloween books for brennan. i've wondered if it was a mistake, but we really enjoyed the hallo-weiner so much;-) love LC, sad her book was such a flop! she should have written a true story. that would have been much more interesting. wait, does this mean you watch the hills??? the city??? we need to chat if so;-)
* said…
I loved New Moon. I'm looking for reasons to see it again, now.

My big read this past month was "The lost symbol" by Brown. While the suspense was thrilling, the quasi-spiritual stuff left me queasy.

Proud of you for doing NaNo!
Erin said…
Good job even attempting to write so much. At least you made some progress!

Don't you just love kids and their honesty. Sheesh.
R Allen said…
Halfway is still a distance you don't have to cover again!

I am hopeless at keeping my goals... well done!
R. K. Allen said…
It's not wasting time when you're recharging your creative batteries! And as far as wasted time goes, you'd feel terrible if you actually spent five minutes literally doing nothing.