Oops, She Did Again

Because she inherited her mother's grace and natural athleticism (that's a joke, people . . . seriously), Sunday night Keelie managed to skillfully trip over thin air, landing on her shoulder, breaking her collarbone . . . again.
That's right, again.
Here she is with Aiden just over a year ago after a fall down the stairs caused the first break:
And here she is Sunday night after returning from the urgent care center with her arm swaddled and suspended in a sling:
You can tell by the smile on her face that she's learned to enjoy all the adoration and attention of her older siblings who dote on her, bestowing upon her hugs, kisses and any other comfort they're able to provide. See all the plush toys around her?

All I can say is that she'd better not make this her annual winter tradition!


Trent said…
Oh my, that makes me cringe!!! Yuck!!! Atleast she handles it with style. She is one tough cookie!

steve and lisa said…
oh no!!!!! Give her a hug from us! Hang in there!!!
Poor little thing! I've heard that can be extremely painful!
Emmy said…
Oh no not fun. Well at least she takes it well :)
Susan Anderson said…
Hope she heals quickly! And I'm glad she's getting so much TLC.

Unknown said…
Thanks for visiting my blog! I am sorry your little girl broke her collar bone, again! It sounds awful! Hopefully she will heal fast!
Erin said…
Breaking your collarbone can't be fun. Good luck with the healing process!
Kristina P. said…
Oh, no! At least she's smiling!
Just SO said…
Poor thing!! I hope she's a fast healer.
Wendyburd1 said…
Poor kid, how much does a break like that hurt??!
Em said…
ahhhhgggggg!!!! how do you take care of her when she does that???? how long does it take to heal???

love your new picture on the banner of your kids.