Little Nuggets From the Mouths of My Children (I'm So Proud.)

"Is the reason Keelie can't talk because she's a doofus?"--Aiden (spoken like a true big brother)

"Women have the super power of taking their time."--Paige (already learning the art of womanhood)

"Goodbye you great big giant horses--and I don't mean that in the fat way."--Aiden to two mares on the side of the road (is it time to begin sensitivity training?)


Susan Anderson said…
I wish I had written down even a fraction of the things my children said as they were growing up. Why didn't I? It's be the makings of a great book; that's for sure.


PS. Your kids just cracked me up!
Emmy said…
Lol! Those are awesome. Sounds like Paige is getting everything all figured out
Megan Smith said…
(chuckle) those are great. I can now say that I workout everyday so that no one ever calls me a great big giant horse. Also, Paige is wise beyond her years...and that's just the beginning of our super powers :D
Wendyburd1 said…
Ooh Paige is so WISE!! :)
I have to say that I LOVED Paige's line. So insightful and well-put!

I was laughing!

Em said…
Erin said…
I love the sweet things kids say. They are so honest :)