Gotta Go Git Me Some Learnin'

Here's something I never thought I hear myself say (or see myself write, as it were): I'm going back to school.

A few months ago my brother (yes, Jay, this is a nod to you) said, "You know, all college classes are writing classes." And then I watched my sister (yes, Mindy, this is a nod to you) as she set a goal and went back to school herself following a stroke that really made her analyze her life. I too had to sit back and think, really evaluate every excuse I had for not returning to school to pursue that english degree I had always wanted but felt was too impractical, unlike nursing or public health. Then when my husband told me he'd love for me to go back to school and study english and writing I finally felt that kick in the pants I'd been waiting for.

Classes start soon, beginning with World Mythology and Folklore and some basic english classes. As excited as I am, I am also sad to say that I will not have much time for blogging anymore. Oh, I'll still be around, checking in from time to time. I won't be upset if you all forget about me as this may take a while (and by a while, I mean years and years). But I'll be back, new and improved and better than ever. So, pardon me while I go git me some learnin'.


Kristina P. said…
I think this is great, Fiauna! It's never too late to go back. Good luck.
Erin said…
How exciting for you! I wish you the best with yer learnin'.
Tracy Loewer said…
I'm glad you've found something to excite you! Good luck and have fun!
Susan Anderson said…
Sounds wonderful and challenging and stimulating. In other words, perfect!

Just come around and give us an update now and again, okay?

Jeannie+Jay said…
Go girl! Have fun.