I'm a Little Teapot

Short and stout . . .
When I get all steamed up,
I will shout . . .

I'm so steamed up right now and in desperate need of a healthy way to let it go.
Exercise doesn't do it for me. In fact, sometimes that makes it worse. (Endorphins and hormones, you know.)
Yoga doesn't do it for me. I get interrupted so many times that the bubbling frustration volcano in my gut begs to erupt.
Writing sometimes just stirs it all up over and over again.
Talking about it only makes others feel bad, anxious, worried, and so on.

So, tell me, what do you do to blow off steam?

Oh, and by that way, thank you all so much for your wonderful words of consolation and encouragement. My brother is doing better, though he still has a long way to go to recovery. It was a scary weekend full of ups and downs. It just goes to show that even healthy, young people can fall victim to pneumonia. So stay active, eat right, sleep well and see a doctor regularly.


Kristina P. said…
I sometimes bake. I also watch a lot of TV.
Byron said…
I go run. and run some more. Or I will work in the yard or do laundry or clean and organize. soemtimes nothing helps. Just hang in there and know that tomorrow is another day. I have had a lot of those day lately, don't know what to do to fix it, so I run. How is training for the Wasatch back coming? What runner are you. I am #11.
Susan Anderson said…
Music helps me a lot. Certain music for certain moods. When I'm feeling pent up or anxious, I like James Taylor best.

I also like to light a candle, put on one of those ultra soft throws, and listen to my little rock garden with a an electric pump that makes the water sound like a babbling brook. Better yet is an actual trip into nature. Either way, I take the scriptures and use the topical guide to look up specific topics that address things I am dealing with.

Scents also help me. Especially lemon and spice. I wear lemon verbena when I'm under stress, and kitchen spice wall flowers (from Bath and Body works) are comforting to me.

Massage is good, too. Or sitting on the back porch at night in a rocker, looking at the stars.

Writing a poem. Creating a serene space in my home with calming things I love around me.

Remembering joyful times with my friends and family and making a plan to create more in the near future. Getting together with my family of origin, which always grounds me.

Letting go of my need to control. Prayer.

Boy, this turned into a long list! Hope you find some relief soon. Hugs to you.

Snarky Belle said…
I wish I had the answer for you. I'm so sorry for all that you're dealing with...you remain in my thoughts and prayers. Everyone else has already shared wonderful ideas. Don't think I could add anything to the list. Although I must admit, when I can't take it anymore, I enjoy a punching bag and screaming at it...not a full blown workout, just beating the crap out of the bag for a few minutes, and then crying...I usually cry afterwards. Sending you much love!
Erin said…
This will probably say a lot about me, but I love to go by myself to Cold Stone or a nice pastry shop, order something delicious, and sit down and eat every bite slowly and savor each taste. This helps me relax and just think about one thing - the taste of the food.

I hope you get a few moments to yourself soon, and that things start getting on a "regular" track again. Good luck to you.
Anonymous said…
I need some help with that too!!! I run and run and sometimes that's not enough. I bake. I shop. I fix things. I still feel like I want to explode!
Wow Fiauna, I hope your brother is doing better. Sorry that things are so tough & scary right now.
How do I blow off steam---a Cafe Rio salad full of awful calories& See's chocolates.
Oh and what my dad used to always remind me "This too shall pass."

chocolate and screaming :)
Emmy said…
I just have to walk away... I walk away and usually go get a drink (of water--no alcohol here).. and then I look at the sign I put on my fridge, "I will love the tantrums gone". It doesn't always work.. but it often helps for those immediate moments. And then I usually sneak a piece of chocolate and then go and try and deal with whatever it was :)
proud mom! said…
I am so glad to hear that your brother is doing better. That had to be a scary thing to go thru.
R. K. Allen said…
I like to write in my journal.. Somehow seeing my thoughts written down puts it all in perspective (of course the time I take to find a pen - usually missing - cools me down a little...). If I don't have my journal handy, I read my daughter's blog :-)
Em said…
frozen yogurt, but sometimes that makes it worse.
i've thought about going to a movie by myself, but i haven't done it yet.
going to barnes and noble by myself. i have done that. it was extremely relaxing. it made me wish i drank coffee.
i like it when sean can take the kids and leave me alone in my house sometimes too, but that is rare occassion that it can all work out.
i want to try the movie idea the more i think of it...the dollar movies. yesssssssss. i think i'm onto something.