Little Box of Writing Prompts

First of all, let me start with a sincere thank you to all those who chimed in yesterday. It was nice to hear (read) that others fall into a blogging funk from time to time.

I liked what Emmy said about using writing prompts when all else fails. And it just so happens that this morning while cleaning the kitchen (read: shuffling clutter from one counter to the other) I came across an Altoids tin that felt surprisingly light, as in empty. When I opened it, a question popped out. Well, it was a card with a question on it. I thought: Writing prompt.

About a month ago my daughter brought home a stack of conversation starter cards from a church activity and placed them all neatly in an empty Altoids tin. Like many, many other things, it ended up shoved under a pile of school papers and junk mail. Until this morning when I opened and read the prompt: Tell your most embarrassing moment.

Now, I'm going to be really frank with y'all right now. I do not really want to write about my most embarrassing moment. My truly, honestly most embarrassing moment(s) will likely remain secret remembered (hopefully) only by Yours Truly. I think of my most embarrassing moments as synonymous with my most humiliating moments. However, I will share silly, funny moments when asked.

Once in high school I did a really embarrassing (read: stupid) thing I hope no one remembers. Why would drag myself back through that trauma by sharing a  moment like that. On the other hand, once in high school I ran up to a guy I thought I knew, pulled his shorts up his rear end and yelled "Wedgy fever!" at the top of my lungs only to learn when the guy turned around that I didn't know him from Adam (and he was very, very cute). Ugh. That was more funny than embarrassing, but because I get a laugh from the story that's the one I usually share when asked to tell my most embarrassing moment. But my truly most embarrassing moment will go with me to the grave.

What about you? Would you really share your honestly, truly most embarrassing moment?


Susan Anderson said…
I've thought of doing it many times on my blog, and I think I probably will. (I have already shared it many times in person, but I think it will be harder to do it in the right spirit on my blog...with no facial expressions to go along with it. (Smilies can only do so much!)


PS. Sometimes, when I get stuck, I find a picture I like and then respond to it.