Stuck in the Rut?

So I just spent thirty minutes writing a blog post no one will ever read. Not that this is unusual; it happens all the time. This time, however, the blog post actually meant something to me.

A lot of big stuff has gone down in my little world lately. Huge stuff that seems like it would make great blog fodder. The problem is I just can't write about it. Any of it. I keep trying; I type the words and get ready to hit PUBLISH POST. Somehow though, my finger wavers, as does my heart, my mind, and my judgement. And the post ends up deleted.

I could just make a list for all of you. I could title it The List of All the Really Big Stuff Rocking My World Right Now. But . . . I can't do it.

Am I in a funk? A rut? Or, have I come to my senses enough to stop sharing my every passing whim and thought with a cyber world of strangers?

I'm sure I'm not the only person who has gone through this before. So let me ask you this: How do you kick a blogging funk? How can I shake off the heavy and get back to the light and fluffy blog writing everybody knows and loves? How do I make my comeback?

Oh, and please, please (does that sound like begging?) visit my website and Facebook page for updates on The Sprightling Diaries. In the Twilight is coming soon . . .


Unknown said…
I don't want you to feel alone so...I"m spotlighting you on my site! :) I hope that helps! You're a good soul and.....make a difference!
Emmy said…
Maybe just start with writing prompts- they are safe and happy usually. But just do what you need to
Lisa said…
Me! Me! I'm reading your blog :-)
Lisa said…
I read your posts.. take a deep breath, relax, and write what is in your heart....
Lisa said…
Maybe a light and fluffy blog post is not what we need to read right now. Life is not always light and fluffy and sometimes we need to know that everyone feels heavy at times so that we can endure together.

You have no idea who I am but I've struggled with the same type of feelings before. I finally decided to just embrace what was happening inside of me and have the courage to write what was begging to be heard. Who knows if what I have written has helped anyone else - it has helped me. I have felt the Savior teach me deep, deep lessons through blog posts that took vast amounts of courage to publish.

Being courageous has helped me to be more courageous.
jl said…
I have to agree 100% with Lisa Love, the light, fluffy stuff may not be what we need to read! I know that in my life, I feel alone at times, thinking I go thru so much tragedy and trauma, and then I read a blog post from someone who is also struggling, and I feel so much better because I know I am not alone and we can all help each other and pray for each other. Also, ask for prayers! I can add you to my prayer request list on my blog , i love to be able to pray for others! I want to know what you are struggling with, so maybe I wont feel so alone! JL ,
Sometimes my very best posts never make it to the blog. The Spirit seems to have a way of restraining me at times, often to protect myself, my feelings, or the feelings of others. Trust your feelings. If you feel like you shouldn't post it - don't!

Now, if it's just because you're being chicken - that's different.

Best of luck...hang in there!
Erin said…
This is basically the story of my life. I have stuff I can't write about right now, but it's pretty much all-consuming for me, which leaves me cyber silent. Know that whatever you choose to write, we will continue to read, because we love what you write, no matter what it is (wow, what a run-on sentence). Best of luck to you with your book and whatever else you have going on in your life!
Susan Anderson said…
Blog hops help...

But I think it's good sometimes to just publish one of those heavy posts and make way for the light ones.

(Having said that, it's good to make sure you feel comfortable disclosing whatever you put out there...)

With all your writing ability and creativity, I predict you will find your way out of this rut veeery soon.

Julie said…
Oh I'm sorry. I've had that happen so many times. There are also those posts that just sit in my drafts and will never be published.

I think, for me, a good free-write'll do it or a meme. I also like to read some of my favorite blogs. Those usually inspire me.