A Room of Her Own
I bet you can't tell what this picture is of:

"It's my secret spot, Mom," she finally explained.
And if you look you'll see her notebook there in the picture, along with her pen.
In the her essay "A Room of One's Own," Virginia Woolf put forth her message that a woman needs two things in order to have the freedom to create: a fixed income, and a room of her own.
Paige has the fixed income--for now Mom's and Dad's income will suffice. Now she has found a room of her own. She climbs on top of the fridge with her notebook and pen and writes, spinning stories for hours.
She has found a bit of creative freedom. I hope she continues working on her talent, her passion. I guess it is how they say: like mother, like daughter.
And as for the location of her spot, I say: Is the top of your fridge REALLY that clean?? Please, please don't look at the top of my fridge.
Our fridge top is crammed with chip bags and just junk, lol!
I love that she has her spot on the fridge. So cute!
Just thought I would stop by and say hi and become a follower. I've seen your cute face out there in bloggy land :)
You can publish your book "Sprightling Diaries" & sell it. I am sure there will be lots of people that will buy it after reading it online! I know I will! Anyway, check it out. Lisa
I think that's a great spot! I wonder how she came up with that idea.